Terms and Conditions of City Filter

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of City Filter, a website located at https://cityfilter.v1v2.io, owned and operated by V1V2, a sole-proprietorship company established in France. In these terms, "I" refers to V1V2, and "the website", refers to City Filter.

By accessing the website I assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use City Filter if you do not agree with these terms.

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of France, regardless of where City Filter operates or where you use City Filter from. If you seek to file a legal claim against me, you agree to file and resolve it exclusively in courts located in France.


I am not liable or responsible for damage, injury, or loss of any nature as a consequence of any reliance upon the information contained on the website. There is absolutely no assurance that any information contained on the website is correct, precise, or up-to-date.

City Filter may contain links to other sites on the internet. I am not liable or responsible for the accuracy or legality of any of these sites.

Cookies and Privacy

City Filter may use cookies. By accessing City Filter, you allow the website to use cookies in agreement with City Filter's Privacy Policy. Some of the affiliate or advertising partners of City Filter may also use cookies.

Third-Party Content and Attribution

City Filter aggregates data from various third-party sources. Attribution for these sources is given on the About page of the website. If you represent one of the third-party sources and object my use of your data, please contact me by email at so that we can quickly resolve the issue.